Why Is Travelling Important?

When you travel you learn so much about different places and cultures, and even so much about yourself as a human being.  Travelling teaches you so many different things in life and it’s essential to learn about the different ways of life by experiencing them for yourself. There’s no better way to learn than to live through it. It’s kind of like buying your first vehicle. Do you buy a new auto or used autos near Conroe? Which ever you decide, it is a learning process that you will know for the future. Travelling is such a broad subject that I could go on and on about everything there is to do with travelling. Of course you know the standard reason why travelling is important, but allow me to tell you some big reasons as to why I think it is very important.


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Travel When You’re Young…

Why I encourage everyone to travel when they’re young is because you learn so much more and your brain is still developing. This allows you or kids to grow as a person and experience life the way it should be experienced. Of course you need to be smart when you travel, and travelling at a young age can be dangerous. You need to plan what it is you want to see and do your research. Looking at past traveller reviews and blogs will help you determine the best way to travel to these places. If you are a young traveller, you can do so much more. If you want to learn to surf, you are in shape and you can learn more easily. If you want to go skydiving, learn a new language, make new friends, partake in some cultural activities- this is all possible.

I think school is very important and so is finding the perfect job to make money to go to all your destined places. However, there is always room to compromise. Why not go to school somewhere different? Just because you live close to a school, doesn’t mean you cannot travel and learn. There are universities and college programs that you can do online. It’s all about researching the best plan to suit your needs.

Expand + Explore + Experience:

My three favorite ‘E’ words are Expand, Explore, and Experience! Why? Because I love expanding my horizons and jumping out of my comfort zone- I also love exploring not only new places but new possibilities and exploring myself as a person- and experience… well who doesn’t love new experiences, especially travel ones. It’s good to experience new things. New restaurants, new friendships, new places, new languages, new sports, new everything! Keep expanding your possibilities and anything could happen.


My Favorite Saying Is:

“Travel Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer.”

Stay young, stay active, and keep travelling, and you will live a life full of adventure, new possibilities, and new friendships. If you are looking into working while travelling, starting your own travel blog is a great idea!


10 thoughts on “Why Is Travelling Important?

  1. Travelling is such an important thing in our lives. Because we learn different culture and history of the places that we visit. We learn how to communicate and to associate with other people.


  2. I agree traveling is really important. If comparing between traveling and buying things, I would definitely choose to travel cause we can’t buy experiences when we are traveling.


  3. I can’t help but dream about the places I want to go to someday after reading this blog. I wish I could travel some more and explore some more at least before I hit 40 years old


  4. Travelling is an addiction.Once you have been introduced to it, there will never be a moment when you do not think of travel and making plans to realise those travel dreams!


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